Selasa, 01 Mei 2018

Free Basic Physics Course - Overview - Open2Study

Free Basic Physics
 Hi. I'm Wayne Rowlands, and I'll
be your instructor in the subject, Basic Physics. I'm a physicist from Swinburne
University of Technology, where I teach a range of science
courses and conduct research in laser
atomic physics. I've always been fascinated
by science and physics in particular, especially the way
it can change the way you look at the world around you.

It's actually quite essential
to navigating the high tech world we live in. In this subject, we'll be
covering a range of physics topics in four modules. The first one deals with motion,
how things move, why they move, how we can change
the way they move, from the very large to the very small. We'll also deal with that kind
of unusual topic, energy.

What is kinetic energy? What is potential energy? We'll then move on to talk about
waves, and in particular sound waves, talking about how
they're formed, how you can describe them, in fact,
how you perceive them. This might be quite interesting
at your next rock concert or classical
performance. We then have a look at
electricity and magnetism. In this world that we live
in, so much relies upon electricity, and yet so few
of us know much about it.

When we think about
how it works, what makes it dangerous? What's voltage? What's current? Are they the same thing? If not, how are they
different? All of this is covered
in the third module. We finish up in the fourth
module discussing light and optics, from the beginnings of
the ideas of what light might be, right up to the most recent
theories about the strange way that light explains
to us how the universe works. There is a lot to be found in
all of this study of Physics. I really enjoy teaching it, and
I look forward to seeing you when you enrol.


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